Lucy and I finally got an afternoon off from training. Last weekend we went to visit our former exchange student, Miguel, and his family in Ambato. We had a great time and were welcomed as family. On the way back from Quito Lucy had her backpack slashed on the bus (nothing taken as we took precaution not to take many valuables with us). This week we went with our fellow aspirantes to a volcanic lagoon about an hour north of here and hiked for nine miles around it at an altitude of over 10,000 feet. It was probably the most beautiful lake I've ever seen. Now everyone is preparing for Easter. The special food is already being served. Tomorrow will be a grand procession imitating the coming of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey and being adored by the people before he is executed. We heard quite the sermon on this (last week outside of Ambato) from a priest who is a friend of Miguel's family.
Saturday we head to Puerto Quito for more training at a finca over there. I'll try to load some pictures of the vistas from the house we are living in here in Tabacundo. The snow-covered volcano is Cayambe and the equator runs thru it. There are also pics of me with Miguel and another of Lucy and Miguel's brother and mother. Tenga una linda fin de semana.
Hi Craig and Lucy,
Today we had 5 inches of snow. How different it is from where you are in so many ways!!! I am going to start a blog to so if you can do it so can I. Good for you all to challenge the Ambassador about the School of the Americas. Yeah.
I send love from Prairie Farm and can't wait to hear more.
love Kate.
Hi you two dear friends! It's great to see photos of you! When I feel overwhelmed with my new learning, I think of you two as my comrades and remind myself that that is what life is about...challenging ourselves to be life-long learners. (I'm also reminded that there's SO much that I don't know!!)
Louis, at this moment, is on our roof with Lee! He worked with Lee one other day as well. They're tearing off old shingles and placing tar paper on the exposed sheeting. What a sweet boy he is!
Hugs and Kisses,
Hi Lucy and Craig,
Thanks for posting photos--I think of you often and am so glad all is well. The blog is great--so modern ;-).
Great pictures! I look forward to checking back for more once you've been at your site for a while.
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