We have been straddling two cultures for the last year and a half. Now we are back in Ecuador and have moved into the house we purchased. Thanks to our friends in Ridgeland, Wisconsin who helped make this possible. The house was empty when we arrived so we are busy buying all the necessary household items necessary for middle class life in Ecuador. We have been here 8 days so far and the last two nights sleeping in a bed. We are thankful for what we have and each day seems a little easier as we find the things we need. Our dogs, Toky (native of Ecuador) and Boca, are settling in now. We would like to give them the run of our quarter acre yard but alas, the back fence is in need of repair. So we walk them almost every day on a leash while they are greeted by every dog in the barrio.....numerous and none on a leash. We like our barrio as it is very mixed with some people having plenty of money(beautiful houses anyway) and others of modest incomes. We still have plenty of chickens and cows around. None of the streets are paved. We can walk two blocks to the bus going downtown where the Windhorse Cafe is. More about the Windhorse later. For now we are concentrating on getting settled into our home. In another blog we hope to post all we have learned about taking two dogs to live in Ecuador. It was complicated but went off with nary a hitch. Here you see Lucy with the two dogs by our fireplace and some views from our house as well.
So stay tuned. We hope to see some of you here in Cuenca.